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E-maganer – Promo website for mobile app for e-sim management - Website Development - Photo

Highlighting the application and its advantages in a competitive market

E-manager – mobile app for e-sim management - Website Development - Photo

E-manager is a mobile application for managing and controlling e-Sim cards for travelers

Ectopanel – Promo website for mobile app - Website Development - Photo

Ectopanel is an advanced app for electricity tracking and management, with a user-friendly interface for surplus energy sales.

Rapida – Branding for the Delivery Service - Website Development - Photo

Delivery Service with Personalized Approach

Healher – an app with personalized health plans - Website Development - Photo

Healher helps people who work at home to stay healthy.

Frozeverse – Metaverse VR game - Website Development - Photo

Frozeverse is a sandbox game based on the Metaverse and VR, with the game assets included as NFTs.

DoStuff – events booking service - Website Development - Photo

DoStuff help people find fun stuff to do with their nights and weekends

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