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MindTales – Mental Health app

MindTales – Mental Health app - Website Development - Photo 1

Designing a mobile product for peace of mind (emotional security)

MindTales is an AI-powered mental health platform that provides therapeutic services to patients and connects them with practicing psychiatrists.



  • Research
  • Branding
  • Wireframing
  • UI design
  • 2D illustrations
In detail

An app to assist people who have peace of mind problems


A client who visited us a few months ago just wanted to help compensate for communication with people who have peace of mind problems or serious psycho problems and solve them as quickly and comfortably as possible.


The first thing we did was research. This is the most important step that many developers omit and immediately rush to drawing visual concepts, which we believe it’s not right. During this stage, we define the user’s goals and the business goals. Also at this stage, we analyze competitors and see the good and bad points, and what we can learn from their experience.

At this stage, we concluded together with the client that we would do MVP (minimum viable product) and compiled a list of the features that are necessary for the application to perform the main tasks of users.

MindTales – Mental Health app - Website Development - Photo 6
Working progress

We’ve managed to implement a lot of exercises based on the practical experience of a psychotherapist


When we worked on this project, we interviewed the potential users of the future product. Besides that, the client closely communicated with a practicing psychiatrist who actively recommended effective treatment methods for mental diseases.


Our task here was to implement these methods on a mobile device, which turned out to be quite puzzling. In the MIndTales application, we have added such popular methods as emotional diary, Thoughts on trial, Core Belief, Focused Breathing, Body scan meditation, STOPP.

Exercises implementation 

The next thing we did, we packaged all these exercises into several courses for a step-by-step walkthrough in order to provide a deeper user engagement. Moreover, the user has an opportunity to contact a therapist who specializes in a particular field and undergo a full consultation via video-, audio-call, or texting at any time.


In order to motivate users to enter the app more often, we offer a system of rewards for completing tasks in the app, which would help increase engagement. We drew over 50 custom pictures for each award with our main character, the doctor from MindTales illustrated on them.


For users to be able to follow the plan without any hassles, we developed a notification system where users could set their tasks for each day using google calendar. Also, the user can use the application as a diary and write down the tasks he needs.

Desktop decision

Once we’ve finished with the mobile version, we were assigned a new task, i.e. to develop a control panel for therapists who will communicate with patients via web applications. We have created a calendar of events that would allow us to quickly track the appointments of the day. Also, the therapist can send additional exercises to patients to provide more personalized help with their diagnosis. As a result, we finished the project, and the client headed to search for investors.


The project was funded and contracted with several clinics to practice MVP in real life

We would like to tell you about the results of this project. The client received a complete design for his future platform for patients and therapists. After a six-month search for an investor, the client was able to receive $750k of investment funds, and conclude a contract with several clinics and their employees. He also launched a closed version of the application in the Play market and Apple store.

When designing this application, it turned out that quite a few people suffer from depression or anxiety due to the pandemic, from which we can conclude that such projects are just on their way to gaining momentum. In the future, this will play a very important role in the mental balance and well-being of all people.


Mobile screens adapted


Various user flows


Hours of work


Illustrations made

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