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Saifast – logistics web app

Saifast – logistics web app - Website Development - Photo 1

A system for a logistics company that improves the freight management

Saifast is a logistics company that delivers both by land, sea, and air. Saifast has a large number of customers all over the world. Every day they have to accept shipment requests, process, and track freight. All of this requires consistency. So Saifast asked us to help them optimize their freight management process through the redesign of the internal system.



  • Research
  • Wireframing
  • UI design
  • Interactive Prototyping
In details

Easy and intuitive management of shipments


Our main task was to give Saifast employees the opportunity to manage shipments easily and intuitively. The user should be able to quickly process a freight by just providing basic information about it. Also, customers wanted to see the ability to track analytics to increase the effectiveness of the company.


After conducting a UX analysis, we realized that the main pain point for users is too long and complicated processing of freight, as well as confusing management of freight and tracking of analytics.

Having tested the hypotheses, we came up to the conclusion that it was necessary to simplify the processing of freight by dividing it into 3 steps:

  1. Information about the place of shipment and destination, where the last routes will be offered.
  2. Information about the size and weight of the freight and then selecting a container with a suggestion of the optimal container for that particular freight.
  3. Type of transportation.

We decided that the management and tracking of the shipments should be as accessible as possible, so all shipments in transit are available on the Dashboard. We also put the main analytics on the Dashboard – now all the main summaries with charts are available on the main screen.

Saifast – logistics web app - Website Development - Photo 6
Working progress

From research to final platform development

UX -research

We started with a SWOT analysis and analysis of the current platform, identified opportunities and threats, and discovered the strengths and weaknesses of the platform. As a result, we generated a list of hypotheses for improvement. The main problem was that the platform was too complex and confusing, the interface was overloaded, and it was hard to find the information we needed. As a result, the user wasted a lot of time and efficiency was reduced.

To gain a deeper understanding of the system and the problems faced by the user, we conducted user interviews, which helped us learn the thoughts of Saifast employees when interacting with the platform. We checked the hypotheses we identified earlier, as well as determined what details to consider when designing the interface.

Information Architecture

When we just started to design, we worked out an Informational Architecture of the whole service. It’s a simple way to look at the project with the bird-eye. Working with the IA, we reduced the number of screens and simplified user flows.

UI Design and Prototyping

The complexity of interacting with the platform also consisted in the lack of a clean and modern UI, with intelligently placed accents. We added graphical elements: icons, illustrations, and maps to enhance user perception.

We prepared a clickable prototype that we’ve tested on users. They gave us some great insightes and we reworked some features.


Freight management has become more accessible and convenient with a clean and intuitive interface

As a result, we have an uncluttered and modern design of the internal system, which is a pleasure to work with logistics company employees. We managed to highlight all the most important things in freight management and tracking, as well as to simplify the process of freight creation, thus reducing the time spent by the user on its processing.

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