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Nouri – Mental health mobile app

Nouri – Mental health mobile app - Website Development - Photo 1

Nouri is a tool to be more connected to those who matter the most.

Nouri means to nourish. Nourish your relationships, be that friendship, family, romantic, or your business. This app reminds you to stay in touch with the people in your life. When you prioritize relationships, your life becomes more meaningful, and your opportunities flourish. Nouri is a project that we implemented together with our partners Polyform studio.


ZooWhoo International

  • UX audit
  • Research
  • UI design
  • Motion design
  • Wireframing
In detail

Usability & aesthetics


In this project, we worked on an easy-to-use, convenient, and eye-pleasing mobile application. It was an already existing app called Circles with a lot of gaps and UX complexities. The project, therefore, required brainstorming and creative solutions for how to increase usability and bring aesthetics into it.


UX audit showed that the current app was quite complex and caused a lot of frustration while using it. During the user interviews, we realized that maintaining communication is usually a face-to-face activity. Bringing technology and automation into this process must be well thought through. This allows supporting customer habits instead of disrupting them. And we decided to rearrange the current UX to meet best practices, add micro-interactions, and moments of delight.

Nouri – Mental health mobile app - Website Development - Photo 6
Working progress

Interaction design

Card Stack Concept

The card stack became the core concept of the app. The main idea is that user sees their pending catch-ups as cards with all information needed. This information includes: person’s name, the circle they’re in (family, work, clients, etc), the date of the last contact, and even the fun and useful factoid users can take advantage of to make the conversation more vivid. The navigation approach here is pretty intuitive and implemented by swiping. Users can quickly and easily keep in touch with everyone by swiping right or snoozing a person by swiping left.

Who’s near me?

The goal was to make finding people you know or just met on Nouri easier. To achieve this, we built the “Who’s near me” feature which lets users search for their connections nearby. This feature allows users to easily add people who are physically near them. It is a powerful feature that might be helpful during offline events to speed up the process of building and maintaining connections.


One of the challenges of this project was staying privacy-focused. We let users decide whether or not other people could find them. So we created 3 possible options for their profile visibility and discoverability. We had to balance this messaging and make it simple to dig further into your privacy preferences. We used some tooltips to message this feature since it’s might be uncommon with other modern social media networks.


Final Stage

At the final stage, we expanded the new brand vision into their web app and the landing page. We also provided the development team with transitions and animations for all major elements & flows.


Redesign with dozens of new features

Nouri is the product that helps users set flexible goals to reach out to people regularly. And we make a seamless experience that looks appealing and engaging. Alongside the redesign of the major flows, we came up with and implemented new important features which made Nouri stand out from its competitors. We would like to thank our partner Polyform studio for the productive and interesting cooperation.







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Project Talk - Kseniia Shalia
Account Executive
Partnership - Polina Chebanova