Product Discovery Services

Transform your app idea into a launch-ready roadmap with our product discovery service. We help you define critical features to ensure your app meets market needs. Our main goal is to save development costs by preventing wasted resources on unnecessary features, setting the stage for a fast and efficient launch.

Wayels: Courier system dashboard
Product Discovery Services We Provide
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    Technical & Product Documentation

    Our technical and product documentation service begins with a Solution Architect defining server specifications, potential integrations, and the technology stack. We conduct initial meetings to align business ideas with technical requirements and finalize documentation that includes business logic, goals, and detailed functionality.

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    Technical Feasibility Assessment

    We evaluate the practicality of your product idea from a technical standpoint by analyzing the technology requirements, potential challenges, and resource needs to ensure your concept is viable and can be effectively developed within your constraints. The result of this service is a comprehensive estimation that covers all aspects of your project.

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    Feature Prioritization

    Our feature prioritization service helps you identify and focus on the most critical features for your product's success. By evaluating user needs, business goals, and technical feasibility, we ensure your development efforts are aligned with what matters most, saving time and resources.

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    Market & User Research

    Our market and user research service comprehensively analyzes competitors and market trends, using surveys and other methods to gather valuable insights. By understanding what kind of product users expect, we inform your product strategy to ensure it meets user needs and stands out in the market. This research is crucial for aligning your product with market demands and achieving a successful launch.

Why Choose Phenomenon
Completed projects
Investments raised by our clients
Rating on Clutch
When to Consider Product Discovery Services
Lack of Feature Prioritization

Identify and prioritize critical features to focus development efforts efficiently.

Accurate Cost Estimation Needed

To plan your budget effectively, get precise estimates for development, server, and cloud service costs.

Architectural Clarity Required

Establish a solid architectural foundation to guide design patterns and technical constraints.

Begin Your Phenomenal Journey with a Product Discovery Service

We’ll secure your success by integrating the best industry experts and incredible skills. Your dream is in the right hands.

The Process of Product Discovery
Step 1
Stakeholders Interview
First, we conduct a comprehensive UX audit to identify usability issues and areas for improvement. This initial step gathers essential insights to guide the redesign process.
Step 2
Research & Insights Gathering
We conduct thorough research and gather insights to understand user needs and market conditions, primarily led by the UI/UX design team.
Step 3
Product Documentation
Our team creates comprehensive product documentation detailing the concept, features, and requirements, involving both UI/UX teams and a business analyst.
Step 4
Technical Documentation
A solution architect develops technical documentation to outline the technical requirements.
Step 5
Features Decomposition & Prioritization
At this step, our business analyst breaks down the product features and prioritizes them based on user needs, technical feasibility, and business goals. The duration will vary based on the project's complexity.
Step 6
User Flows
Our UI/UX team designs detailed user flows to map out the user journey and interactions with the product, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Step 7
We develop project estimations to outline the timeframes, involving both development and design teams.
  • Step 1
    Stakeholders Interview
    First, we conduct a comprehensive UX audit to identify usability issues and areas for improvement. This initial step gathers essential insights to guide the redesign process.
  • Step 2
    Research & Insights Gathering
    We conduct thorough research and gather insights to understand user needs and market conditions, primarily led by the UI/UX design team.
  • Step 3
    Product Documentation
    Our team creates comprehensive product documentation detailing the concept, features, and requirements, involving both UI/UX teams and a business analyst.
  • Step 4
    Technical Documentation
    A solution architect develops technical documentation to outline the technical requirements.
  • Step 5
    Features Decomposition & Prioritization
    At this step, our business analyst breaks down the product features and prioritizes them based on user needs, technical feasibility, and business goals. The duration will vary based on the project's complexity.
  • Step 6
    User Flows
    Our UI/UX team designs detailed user flows to map out the user journey and interactions with the product, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Step 7
    We develop project estimations to outline the timeframes, involving both development and design teams.
Related Case Studies
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SaaS MVP Building Product Discovery
Our Renowned Clients

AI platform for app personalization

First all-in-one Web3D business platform

Savings platform with adaptive parcel tools

Austin's top source for events

Property finance platform for landlords

GRC platform for data protection

First peer-to-peer VR metaverse

Social news platform

Seamless, secure, and reliable bag-free travel

Product design studio

Worldwide online academy from South Africa

Cyprus gift vouchers platform

Mobile app for SMB cash operations

Digital currency trading platform

Fastest 3D engine for web apps

Benefits of our Product Discovery Services
Product discovery helps you plan and create a solid foundation for your product, ensuring it aligns with market needs and user expectations before full-scale development. Identifying and prioritizing core features saves valuable resources and reduces development risks, leading to a more efficient and focused development process.
  • Reduced Development Risk


    Reduced development risk involves thorough preparation to identify necessary features and proper design, preventing costly mistakes. This approach saves resources and improves project success rates by ensuring your concept meets market needs. 30% of software projects fail before completion, so a clear understanding from the start is crucial to reduce this risk and improve the chances of project success​.

  • Developed Effective User Experience


    Designing an app that truly addresses user needs and expectations matters because 88% of internet users are less likely to use the product again after a poor user experience.

  • Increased Development Efficiency


    36% of developers cite rework, unplanned work, and changes as their biggest challenges. Focus on the right features from the start and save time and resources.

  • Stronger Product-Market Fit


    Nearly 35% of startups fail because there is no market need for their product​​. Our Product Discovery service ensures your product addresses real market needs, preventing costly failures down the line.


At Phenomenon Studio, the cost of a Product Discovery phase ranges from $6,000 to $17,250.

The final price and time required depend on several factors, including project complexity, the extent of user research needed, and the necessary level of detail in the documentation and technical specifications. Contact us to get a precise estimate tailored to your specific project needs.

What’s the Next Stage After a Product Discovery Service?
After a product discovery service, our customers usually choose to proceed to get the most out of our cooperation, leveraging our expertise to refine and expand their product for maximum market impact.
Team Extension

Add specialized professionals to seamlessly integrate and boost your project's results.

Dedicated Team

A complete delivery team with a proven track record. This team of specialized professionals will handle all your needs from concept to launch.

End-to-End Product Development

Simplify your journey: end-to-end product development — all under one roof.

Don't just take our word for it.

See what our clients say.

"Our existing clients and investors are delighted with the outcome. They are a team of professionals who cares about quality and timelines. I highly recommend them to collaborate with!"

Anna Figura
Product Manager, Assetario

"The speed and quality at which they were able to take a concept and some rough, half-baked wireframes and turn them into an amazing and functional consumer-level product. I am blown away by the quality of work done by Phenomenon Studio."

Mike Abbott
Co-Founder, Polyform Studio

"High level deliverables and an extremely detailed breakdown of works to be completed. We plan to use them for all of our projects!"

Craig Kirk
Co-Founder, Bounty Hunter Ltd

"They provided us with an excellent product that served our purposes well. I was impressed at their knowledge and skillset in bringing to life every idea we had."

Jason Timpson
Marketing Director, Golf Community Development

"The quality of the designs is fantastic. Also, the ability to work with us despite us being early-stage and needing to iterate quickly. The communication is excellent which is important to me when needing someone to clarify certain aspects."

George Fry
Managing Director, Neap
  • "Our existing clients and investors are delighted with the outcome. They are a team of professionals who cares about quality and timelines. I highly recommend them to collaborate with!"

    Anna Figura
    Anna Figura
  • "The speed and quality at which they were able to take a concept and some rough, half-baked wireframes and turn them into an amazing and functional consumer-level product. I am blown away by the quality of work done by Phenomenon Studio."

    Mike Abbott
    Mike Abbott
  • "High level deliverables and an extremely detailed breakdown of works to be completed. We plan to use them for all of our projects!"

    Craig Kirk
    Craig Kirk
  • "They provided us with an excellent product that served our purposes well. I was impressed at their knowledge and skillset in bringing to life every idea we had."

    Jason Timpson
    Jason Timpson
  • "The quality of the designs is fantastic. Also, the ability to work with us despite us being early-stage and needing to iterate quickly. The communication is excellent which is important to me when needing someone to clarify certain aspects."

    George Fry
    George Fry
Got Questions?

We've Got Answers!
What is Product Discovery?

Product Discovery is the initial phase in product development, during which teams identify and validate the problem to solve, understand customer needs, and define the product’s scope. It involves research, ideation, and validation activities to ensure the product idea is viable and valuable.

Why is the Product Discovery phase important?

​​It helps ensure the product addresses real user needs and problems, reducing the risk of building something that fails in the market. It sets a clear direction for development, saving time and resources by preventing costly pivots later.

What are the key goals of the Product Discovery phase?

The key goals of the Product Discovery phase are to create a comprehensive understanding of the project’s overall scope and validate the problem and solution. The phase includes feature prioritization and creating a product requirements document to define the product’s core features and value proposition. Finally, a feature roadmap is established to guide development, ensuring the product concept is viable, feasible, and desirable.

How long does the Product Discovery phase typically take?

The duration of the Product Discovery phase typically ranges from 120 to 345 hours, lasting between a few weeks and a couple of months, depending on the project’s complexity and scope. Allocating enough time to thoroughly understand the problem and validate the solution is crucial. Contact us for a more precise estimation tailored to your project’s needs.

What are the key elements of an effective product discovery process?

Key elements of an effective product discovery process include conducting a stakeholder interview to gather initial insights, creating comprehensive product documentation, and performing research to understand user needs and market conditions. The process involves decomposing and prioritizing features, designing detailed user flows, and developing technical documentation and estimateions to outline the technical requirements and timeframes.

What happens after the Product Discovery phase?

After the Product Discovery phase, the insights and validated user flows are used to create detailed product requirements and development plans. The project then moves into the design phase, followed by a product development phase, where the actual building, testing, and product refinement occur.

Tell us more about your project. We'll secure your success.

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